Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lent Reflection #10

"Don't worry - tonight's
Bible Study is really simple!"
One of my favorite parts of worship is the children's time (or sermon, whatever you want to call it).  I love seeing and hearing all of those children. I love seeing their faces, with looks of expectation and happiness.  And I love the unscripted things they say - it occasionally gives worship an element of impulsiveness and danger.  And, at times, a deeper sense of the holy.  At our staff meeting today, I shared my love of the children's time and then I read Deuteronomy 4:9, which reads: "But take care and watch yourselves closely, so as neither to forget the things your eyes have seen nor to let them slip from your mind all the days of your life; make them known to your children and your children's children."

I then had everyone close their eyes and picture the kids of Harrisburg UMC during the children's time. I asked them to imagine their smiles, their looks of expectation, their energy and then imagine that they could say only one thing about God or church or faith - what would it be?  We shared our thoughts and most of us immediately thought, "Jesus loves you", with another staff member saying, "God is always faithful." 

Simple. Direct. Clear. 

And that simplicity and clarity came so easily and quickly to all of us around the table. Yet, we often make the message of our faith so very difficult, especially us preacher types. I'll confess to being the chief of sinners in this regard. I'm an expert in making matters way too complicated when it comes to faith. Part of my struggle is that I always have "Yes, but…" questions bouncing around in my head. The other part of my struggle is that I'm too often too focused on my head and not on my heart. 

While there are many opportunities for intellectual exploration when it comes to the Christian faith, it is not primarily about intellectual exploration. Following Jesus and all that goes with it - repentance, justification, reconciliation, worship, forgiveness, hope, etc. - is about the transformation and renewal of our whole selves by God: intellect, emotions, priorities, actions…all of it!

And at the core of it all of this is the love and faithfulness of God. Simple truths that might lead us to profound experiences of grace, mercy, and love.

I pray that all the love and mercy and grace that I've seen and experienced in my journey of faith will not slip from my mind and I'm grateful that I have so many opportunities to share that with my children (and the children of HUMC!)…

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